Monday, June 15, 2009


Mason is half-way through his T-Ball season and is doing quite well. He is actually a pretty good player and really loves the sport. Every day he asks if he has a game that day, that is how much he loves to play!! I don't know if I could handle that much t-ball, but I know that he could!! When he isn't playing then he is out in the yard practicing with our neighbor boy, Cody.

Cody is so good with Mason, I don't know what we would do without him! Cody is 15, but doesn't mind playing with Mason whenever he asks. He climbs over the fence pretty much everyday and will spend hours with him! He is such a lifesaver during the summers. Mason is really missing Cody this week because Cody made it to the State High School Rodeo Finals in Pocatello so he is gone all week, but we are definitely wishing him the best of luck!

We are hoping that Mason will keep his interest in baseball throughout his teenage years because it is really good for him and he is actually a pretty good athlete. They have a traveling baseball league in Shoshone that he could play on when he gets older that I think would be really good for him. Hopefully he will continue to play!

Mason had to pose for the camera while playing catcher!

Mason making a nice catch at 1st base!

Getting ready to bat!

Concentrating real hard on his job as pitcher!

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